Waldnerin tarina - klik kuva -
luotettavat ja nopeat servo-ohjatut ratapakkauskoneet
Pakkausmateriaalin sterilointi UV-valon, pulssivalon tai peroksidin avulla tarkasti ja turvallisesti - täydellistä puhdasilmatekniikkaa
haasteelliset tuotteet - tarkasti ja nopeasti


DOSOMAT 10.3 ESL rotary packaging sterilisation and laminar Airflow.

  • Products: Yoghurt, cream cheese, cottage cheese and whipped cream.
  • Cups: ø 75 / 95, 150-500 g
  • with PP-plate and slip lid, or Top Cap
  • Main dosing and fruit pre-dosing in CIP / SIP
  • Final packaging: with WALDNER combi-packer
  • Packing scheme: 2×3 for ø 95 and 2×5 for ø 75
  • Capacity: 7,200 cups/hour

VISIT DATES: week 3 - 7, 2023

DOSOMAT 10.4 ESL rotary packaging disinfection and laminar Airflow

  • Products:  kefir, skyr, sour cream, (whipping) cream
  • Cup: ø 95 100 – 500 g
  •  Sealing with PP-lid and snap-on lid
  • Main dosing: 100 – 500 g incl. CIP / SIP
  • Capacity: approx. 9.600 cups/hour

VISIT DATES: week 3 - 6, 2023

DOSOMAT 20.4 inline hot filling of mascarpone / homogenised curd cheese

  • Products:  mascarpone, curd cheese
  • Cup: ø 113; 250/500 g
  • Closure with sealing and snap-on lid
  • Laminar  airflow cabine
  • Main dosing:  100 – 500 g  CIP / SIP
  • Capacity:  10.000 cups/hour
  • With integration of a WALDNER packer, pack scheme: 2×3,                       1 and 2 layers

VISIT DATES: week 6 - 11, 2023

DOSOMAT 20.8 inline  filling petfood into glas and tin jars

  • Diameter: various
  • Filling:  80 – 800 g
  • incl. 3 piston fillers for pre-/ main- and post-dosing
  • Capacity:  up to 320 glass/ tin jars per min  = 19.200 units/hour

VISIT DATES: week 3 - 6, 2023

DOSOMAT 10.6 rotary filling meat pate into aluminium cups

  • ø 84 with 75/100/125 g
  • Special heat sealing for sterilation in autoclave
  • Main dosing: 50 – 150 grams
  • Capacity: 15.000 cups/hour

VISIT DATES: No more visits possible